8 Best Ways to Make Money with WordPress

Ways-to-Make Money with WordPress

First and foremost, a word of caution, these are not ‘get rich quick’ schemes. And be aware not to fall into ‘get rich quick’ schemes. The methods we are sharing with you won’t make you rich overnight, it takes patience and hard work to earn money through any medium, let alone online. And if anybody tells you that they will help you become rich overnight, get as far away from them as possible, that’s just a scam. This article doesn’t encourage, in any way, these scams.

WordPress is a popular tool and web designing software among businesses and individuals. As of  2022, there are about 43.3% websites powered by WordPress on the web and it has 65.2% of the market share. The reason for its popularity also includes it being a source of profit.

Now, let’s get to the ways you can earn money with WordPress.

Legit Methods to Make Money With WordPress

1. Advertising

The most common and easy way to make money with websites is by displaying advertisements.

You can use Google AdSense for the same. Google AdSense displays relevant ads for users,  Google has the data and search history of its users and with the help of that data, google  AdSense shows relevant ads to the users so they are most probable to be clicked upon. Most of the ads work on the pay-per-click (PPC) model, which means you are getting paid for every click on the ad. Though the PPC rate is not very much, about less than a dollar for a click, it is still earning you money without any hassle on your part.

Selling advertising blocks or spaces on your website is another great way to earn money through advertising. You can keep some blank spaces on your webpage and then sell them to anyone who wants to advertise. You can make it contract-based, like for a month or some specific time. You can ask for advance upfront if you have an already established audience or you can go for a pay-per-click model.

And as you grow your audience, the pay will increase because of the increased clicks. Sure, it will take patience and persistence, but once you’ve increased the traffic, it will pay well.

Also Read:WordPress.Com Vs WordPress.Org – What’s The Difference?

2. Sponsorships

If you don’t want to fill your webpage with adverts or the adverts are ruining your user experience, you can do sponsored posts. It is essentially a review, summary, or any type of promotional post. Companies and brands offer sponsorships to promote their products or services. Either the company itself writes the guest post for its product or service, or it will ask the owner of the website to have it written as the company’s needs. The price of a post is decided by the owner and the company mutually.

For earning through sponsorships, you first have to have a good enough audience for your website, only then a company or brand will approach.

If you have a well-established audience and good traffic to your website, you can ask for a  good sum of money from the company. In sponsorships, the amount of money you can earn is directly dependent on your audience size.

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3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is promoting a product or service and earning through commission. Affiliate programs are available for every market or niche. First, you’ll have to enroll in an affiliate program of your choice. When you are registered successfully, you’ll be provided with a unique magnetic link, which you can mention on your website in text format, or you can pair it to the image of the product you are promoting. For every purchase through that link, you will earn a specified commission. Commissions are different in various programs. By completing this process, you will get an affiliate marketing success for the chosen program.

After that, you have to start promoting their product or services. There are many best promotion methods, such as blogging, social media marketing & more. Also, WhatsApp marketing can enhance your WordPress revenue by leveraging its wide reach and engagement potential to promote products, services, and affiliate links mentioned in the blog.

Let’s take the example of Amazon.

You can enroll in the Amazon affiliate program. After you’ve been successfully registered,  you can open amazon from your affiliate account and find different links for different products. Let’s say, you have a website for skincare and wellness, you can recommend specific products to your audience and provide them with a link to purchase the product, with every purchase from your link, you will get a 3% commission (standard amazon commission rate) on the selling price of the product. It is as easy as that.

You can find the updated commission rates of various programs on their websites.

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4. eCommerce Store

Creating your eCommerce store is also a great idea to earn money. You can create a shop from scratch or you can also add a shop to your existing blog using a plugin called WooCommerce. You can innovate your product and make a business out of it, or you can dropship trending,  useful products. You can create a blog about useful household products or automobile accessories or mobile accessories or any other product that makes a chore easy or add value/luxury to something.

You can order those products in bulk at a very lower price or you can use various dropshipping websites to directly ship the product to the customer and make the difference between the selling price and buying price as a profit. Using dropshipping also gives an advantage, they can ship and deliver the product for you, although they will charge for the shipping and delivery, it is still a better choice over shipping the product yourself.

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5. Creating and Selling Courses

If you are really good in a niche, you can create a course for it and then sell it to your audience.

Earning money as well as adding value to others’ lives. If you are a blogger and you blog about, let’s say, a programming language and solve queries and questions regarding the topic. You can consider teaching the language to your audience,  you can keep answering various questions, and parallelly you can design a course for those who are interested in learning the language. You will add value to your audience’s lives by helping them acquire a new skill and you can also earn from this.

Creating and selling courses about various topics has grown popular, especially during covid,  because the majority of the students migrated to online platforms to acquire new skills when they were getting bored in quarantine. It gave this industry a boost. You can now find a course for anything and everything. You can teach and coach since everything is available online from the coaching platform to a coaching contract template. If you have the knowledge & can teach people, This is the best way to go ahead. From business coaching to finance coaching and many more fields are there where you can do amazing by offering your expertise to the audience.

By exploring various Thinkific alternatives, you can discover alternative platforms that empower you to share your expertise with the audience in fields like business coaching, financial coaching, and more, expanding your reach and impact.

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6. Flipping Websites

Flipping essentially means buying an asset and selling it at a profit. Websites can easily be defined as an asset in today’s online world. Flipping here means that you create a website, grow its audience, and then sell it to someone interested in buying it from you because of the already established audience base.

Companies or Brands are constantly on the look to buy an already established website to be a  step ahead of their competitors. You can use this to make money. For a well-established website, which shares the same category and values as the company or brand, the organization can offer a grand sum to acquire it.

And, like any other thing on this list, it won’t be easy. You’ll have to learn to grow traffic by using keywords and search engine optimization.

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7. Developing and selling personalized websites

If you are good at building websites, you can also work as a freelance website developer. As a  freelance website developer, you’ll have to create websites as per your client’s needs and he will for your work. In this era of information, the world is changing and running faster than ever, that’s why any organization is constantly searching for a great developer who can create a website for them as per their needs. And if you are good at it, you can use this opportunity to earn yourself some money.

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8. Building plugins and themes

If you are a programmer and well-versed in creating plugins or you are a UX developer and can create attractive themes, you can earn money by preparing plugins or themes for WordPress and listing them as premium, with a charge of your choice. Plugins are useful tools to make a particular job easy for the website admin, a website can have a big number of plugins installed in it. You can identify a problem that is not being solved by any existing plugin or you can make a copy of an existing plugin and make it better in operations and charge money from the users to use it.

If you can solve a real problem with your plugin, you will earn money. If you are a UX designer and can create attractive themes, you can create a theme and list it on WordPress. You can make the theme premium.  By creating Plugins and themes and then selling them, you are essentially selling a product and making a profit off of it.

Also Read: Difference Between Parent Theme & Child Theme In WordPress

There are several ways you can earn money with WordPress, these are just a few of them.


Trying to earn money from your website is one of the main reasons to create and manage a website.  And making money with your website is not easy but it surely is possible. You just need to be patient and persistent in your work.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Every great thing takes time, hard work, and sacrifice of your comfort.


Mansiba Parmar, a content writer with a flair for storytelling! 

Experienced Executive with a history in IT & services. As a skilled business development professional, I’ve ghostwritten bestsellers & numerous articles for various industries, including tech, travel, health, beauty, crypto, finance & more.

My writing style focuses on creating engaging content that captivates readers and delivers information effectively. I specialize in crafting concise and reader-friendly articles for blogs and websites. Furthermore, I possess a knack for critical thinking, research, and essay writing, enabling me to excel in producing formal and academic content.