Complete Guide to the Content Management System


Complete Guide To The Content Management System

Just a couple of years back, you were required to hire developers to write all the HTML and CSS codes manually to add content to the website. But now, these are things of the past – thanks to the advancement of technology that empowers you to fast-track the process with the help of a content management system. In fact, WordPress, the most user-friendly popular CMS, alone holds 63.1% of the market share as of April 7, 2020.

In this article, we shall be discussing everything important about the CMS such as guides, how it works, its features, myths as well as suggest some popular CMS.

But, first, let’s begin with…

What is CMS Management Systems?


A CMS is a platform that enables users to create a website, store, manage, and publish content online. Importantly, you do not need any specialized technical skills to manage day-to-day tasks. Let’s simplify it even further. A Content Management System is a tool that allows you to smartly manage, store & publish content without needing to write the code.


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How CMS Works for Creating and Managing Website Content?

Most of you may have worked with or at least seen WordPress –the most popular CMS so far. To give you an idea of how a CMS works

let’s take the example of WordPress.



In the above image, you can easily understand what sort of things you have to do. You have a readymade interface with required templates where you have to write and upload your content. It is more or less like Microsoft Word.

Whereas, if you create content without CMS (Content Management System), then you would not only need to write content but also its static HTML files and upload it to the designated server. It is complicated and let’s face it – most of us may not be able to do so.

In short, the entire point of a CMS is to allow users to do everything including manipulating database information, design templates, style it right, and more without necessarily having to know or understand how to write code or how the database works.

Features of CMS


There are various CMSs and each has different features. That means the features of CMS may vary depending on the type of Content Management System you choose to use. However, there are some essential features that every CMS must-have. They include;

Flexibility: Even though all CMSs come equipped with all essential and basic elements, you get complete freedom to add new functionalities, and make it more personalized.

Permission Control: With the permission control feature, the administrator has the power to assign user roles and enable only the required access.

Multilingual Support: When you have a website, be it a blog or an eCommerce, you may have users across the globe with different language preferences. Therefore, the website should also not be restricted to a single language. CMS supports

multiple languages so that your users across the globe can access information by translating the page into their regional language.

Scalable: You may have a goal of expansion. Your website too will grow, will have more users, more services over time. This requires your website to be robust enough to handle the incoming traffic and content loads efficiently. A CMS is designed to scale up and grow parallel to your business.

Security: Security is the most important feature that every CMS must-have. Ensuring security is not just important to protect your website’s data, but also the sensitive information of your users. You need to ensure that the CMS you are using provides robust security and comes with frequent security updates.

Open API: Open API brings you some benefits as you are not bound to follow its default settings and interface. You can integrate tools and modify them based on your preferences and business requirements.

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Myths Related to CMS which You Should Completely Ignore


There are some myths which you need to know before making any choice. Let’s take a look at some of them;

CMS is primarily used for Blogs

That could be a self-made statement of an individual. The fact is just the opposite. You can create and manage all types of websites including static websites, blogs, eCommerce stores, forums, social networks, online portals, portfolios, Etc.

CMS requires extensive maintenance

No, you don’t need any extensive care and maintenance with CMS. The CMS provider can help keep the maintenance easy. You may need to hire an expert to manage it. Just go through the guidelines of the respective CMS and do as suggested.

Takes time to learn

As mentioned earlier, CMS requires no specialized knowledge. You can use it with ease if you know how to use Microsoft Word. However, you may need expert advice or suggestions for extensive modification, integrations.

It is not mobile compatible

No. A CMS is responsive by default. It can be accessed using mobile, PC, laptop, and tablet easily.

Security Threats are high on CMS

Not at all. You get robust security to keep your data safe. However, you need to follow certain guidelines. Honestly speaking, everything with an internet connection is vulnerable, but you can reduce it by keeping a regular watch on your website.

Some of the popular CMS

There are plenty of CMS today to use, though the selection of CMS entirely depends on the requirement. Here are some of the top CMS which you should know.



WordPress is ruling the roost across the tech arena with a 63.1% market share. It covers almost 35% of the internet. This means 35% of the total websites on the internet are powered by WordPress.

One of the prime reasons behind this popularity is that it requires no prior experience to use. Anyone with a little surfing knowledge can install it, create a website, and customize it as per need. An extremely user-friendly interface with no technical jargon or requirements.

Also Read: Using WordPress For Your Next Website Project? Understanding Its Pros And Cons!



Joomla is the second most used CMS after WordPress with around 2.5 million active websites, 10 million downloads. It holds more than 4.5% of the market share. In short, if you have to build a complex website, then Joomla can be the best choice. Using Joomla, you can create online portals, social media networks, online communities, etc. with ease. Some of the top websites powered by Joomla include;

  • IKEA
  • Lipton Ice Tea
  • The Fashion Spot
  • Holiday Inn
  • The Hill
  • UNRIC (United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe)
  • ITWire
  • Guggenheim



If you are looking for the best technically advanced CMS, offering complete control over the site, then Drupal is an excellent choice. It is helpful to create more advanced and ambitious websites. Drupal holds around a 3% market share with 556,034 active websites. Some of the top websites powered by Drupal include;

  • Entertainment Weekly
  • Tesla
  • NCAA
  • Mint
  • The Australian Government
  • Le Figaro


Magento is popularly known for creating eCommerce sites as more than 250,000 merchants worldwide use this CMS for their eCommerce portals. It contributes

around 2% of the CMS market with more than 12% of eCommerce sites, equaling around 1.2% of the internet. Top brands’ websites powered by the platform are:

  • Coca-cola
  • Ford
  • FoxConnect
  • Olympus

Final Words

If you are looking to create a website, blog, or online store, then you need to choose the CMS wisely. Go through your requirements, understand your business needs, and take expert advice to make an informed decision.


Mansiba Parmar, a content writer with a flair for storytelling! 

Experienced Executive with a history in IT & services. As a skilled business development professional, I’ve ghostwritten bestsellers & numerous articles for various industries, including tech, travel, health, beauty, crypto, finance & more.

My writing style focuses on creating engaging content that captivates readers and delivers information effectively. I specialize in crafting concise and reader-friendly articles for blogs and websites. Furthermore, I possess a knack for critical thinking, research, and essay writing, enabling me to excel in producing formal and academic content.