WordPress.com vs WordPress.org – What’s The Difference?

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org – What’s The Difference?

Today WordPress powers 38% of the total websites in the world. The simplicity of the platform is what makes it the number one choice among website builders. Before getting started with WordPress, you will have to choose between WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org if you are a beginner.

Read: Complete Guide To The Content Management System

Are you confused about what to choose when it comes to WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org?


Well, let’s begin by understanding what each means.

WordPress.com is similar and operates like a website builder such as Wix or Weebly. It is hosted for you. On the other hand, WordPress.org is a self-hosted content management system that requires you to download software in your system and source your web hosting.

Although it is a lengthy procedure, it is easy to use and is more radical than the two—the creative freedom allows you to build any website.

Read: Using WordPress For Your Next Website Project? Understanding Its Pros And Cons!

Moving further, here are six differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

1. Technical Skills

WordPress.com is more streamlined, and the know-how about coding is helpful.  But your knowledge of coding is a necessity when using WordPress.org.

2. Hosting

The hosting services are provided when using Wordress.com, but if you are using WordPress.org, you have to choose your provider.

Do a thorough research when choosing the web hosting services.

Read- How to choose the best Web Host.

3. Plugins

When it comes to plugins, both WordPress.com and WordPress.org offer a variety of free and paid options. Both use the same plugin directory; read online reviews before installing the one for your website.

4. Blogging

WordPress.com offers an easy setup for blogging, making it cost-effective since you do not have to spend on hosting and security certificates, and WordPress.org offers robust content organization tools, storage, and plugins to add a comment section and create and consolidate social sharing.

5. Pricing

With WordPress.com, you get the basic website features with the free plan. But for upgrades or added functionality and to get your site up and running, you will have to shell out some money. WordPress.com offers six pricing plans starting from free to $45 per month.

In contrast, WordPress.org offers WordPress software for free, which is due to open source development availability. As mentioned above, there are certain overheads involved.

Here is a list of the standard cost involved in creating and publishing a website using WordPress.org.

Common expenses involved in creating and publishing a WordPress.org website are as follows:

Expenses Amount
Domain$10 – $15 per year
Hosting $30 – $300 per year
Security $5 – $250 per year
Premium Plugins$10 – $1,000 per year
Premium Theme$35 – $200 one-time cost

Considering you use a free theme and plugin, the cost per year would be around $55 annually.

6. Security and Backup

WordPress.com provides you with an internally built security and backup mechanism and handles all software updates by itself. And, WordPress.org adheres to all advanced standard security and backups standards.

Furthermore, you can install a security plugin like iTheme Security. Since you have to take backup on your own, installing the plugin, like BackupBuddy, can offer excellent service.

Also Know: Top 5 Reasons Business Owners Need Website Backup

We know how vital it is to have an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate with Wordress.com, it is part of the monthly package, but if you choose WordPress.org, you will have to obtain and renew it separately.

Read: 9 Types Of SSL Certificates – Make The Right Choice

Pros and Cons of WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

Every coin has two sides; similarly, both WordPress.com and WordPress.org have pros and cons. These entirely depend on the needs of the users.



  • WordPress.com allows you to manage your web server, and hosting is free as well. There is a lot of room to customize the website.
  • It is easily manageable by people with limited technical know-how. You can get your website up and running in no time.
  • If you have a blog specific website, Wordress.com is an ideal choice.


  • If you are using the free version, you will have the adverts on each page, which may look unprofessional.
  • It can be limiting to monetize your website.



  • It allows you to take control of designing your website.
  • You can display adverts to earn money.
  • With WordPress.org, you can install Google Analytics free of cost.


  • You have to source the hosting service provider yourself.
  • The responsibility to backup your website falls on your shoulder.


We hope the above difference between WordPress.com andWordPress.org will make you choose what is ideal for you.

To round it up again, if you are a beginner and want to create a personal site or blog without any help, i.e., technical operations including hosting, maintenance, backup, and updates, WordPress.com is for you.

Besides, if you want to launch a professional site, including rights to its ownership, and unlimited customization, self-hosted WordPress is quintessential. You need to know technicalities as you will be responsible for installation, maintenance, security, and getting the regular backup of your website.

It is crucial to consider that there are no definite answers regarding what is better between Wordress.com and WordPress.org; it all depends on you and your business needs.


I am Ruchi Satikoover, an avid explorer of the digital landscape!

Voracious Wordmonger, Gold Medalist (Journalism), and legit dog Mom. Having Incredible experience in writing for hosting services, Digital Marketing & everything Social!