
How to Increase Max Upload Size in cPanel?

When managing file uploads in PHP, one of the biggest drawbacks that every website owner experience is the pre-determined limitation for a file size. Generally, this established restriction is to ensure that website owners utilize the server resources effectively.

Although, fixed boundaries can often lead to file upload failure, partial upload, and even display the common error message called “The uploaded file exceeds the upload-max_filesize directive in php.ini” or “Exceeded filesize limit.”

When encountering this issue head-to-head, every web owner’s initial thought is to increase the maximum upload size. It is the most straightforward and easy approach to resolving the issue. 

However, the question is how to increase the maximum file upload size of PHP. Unfamiliar website owners may feel confused and troubled by the process. But don’t worry; we are here with this knowledge-base article to help you increase the max upload size in php. 

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What is “upload_max_filesize” in PHP?

The technical term “upload_max_filesize” refers to a pre-defined size for uploading files in PHP. Generally, this error message is displayed on graphically heavy websites or when a website owner is trying to upload heavy visuals such as images, videos, infographics, or any other multimedia into their website. 

One of the sure-shot ways to troubleshoot this problem is by increasing the maximum file size, which we will explain to you in the next section. 

Also Read: What is 406 Not Acceptable and How to Fix It?

Steps to Increase Max Upload Size in cPanel?

Step-1: Login to cPanel


Step-2: Soon, you will be redirected to the main interface of the cPanel, wherein you have to scroll below to find the ‘Software’ section.

Select software option

Step-3: Upon finding the ‘Software’ section, click on ‘MultiPHP INI Editor.’

select PHP ini editor

Step-4: Doing so will take you to the next page. The header of the page will include two elements: ‘Basic Mode and Editor Mode.’ You have to click on Basic Mode.

Select Basic mode

Step-5: Select a domain for which you want to increase the upload size in ‘Select a Location.’

Configure PHP ini basic setting

Step-6: After selecting the domain, you will notice a few sections which allow you to 

  • display_errors
  • max_execution_time
  • max_input_time
  • max_input_vars
  • memory_limit
  • post_max_size
  • session.gc_maxlifetime
  • session.save_path
  • upload_max_filesize
  • zlib.output_compression

The best part is that you don’t have to save anything. All the changes you make are automatically saved for a seamless process.

Step-7: You can change numerous properties in this section. For now, let’s focus on how to increase the max upload size in cPanel. Scroll down to the list’s last-second option, ‘upload_max_filesize.’

Add max size

You will notice the current upload filesize of your website. All you have to do is click on the box, and a drop-down menu containing different size options will appear. You can check the file size you want to upload and select the value accordingly. You can also choose the file size as per your overall requirements. 

Step-8: Once the desired size is selected, tap ‘Apply’ on the page to see a green popup stating the changes have been made will be shown.

Select apply option

Also Read: How to Change Server Timezone in cPanel?


Aren’t these steps a piece of cake? You can always contact your hosting provider if you find the steps difficult. The professionals will support you in how to increase the upload size in php.